Top 100 Instagram Sorted by Engagement Rate

Top Instagram Updated 2025-02-23
Sorted by Followers Sorted by NoxScore Sorted by Posts Sorted by Engagement Rate
Influencer Ranking
  Channel InfoPostsEngagement RateFollowersNoxScore
2 67 Itay Uriel Itay Uriel535946.6%16.36K -
3 96 Triple Hoop Triple Hoop175862.28%12.72K -
4 15 relatable content ♡ relatable content ♡566730.91%22.4K -
5 87 שרי אריסון Shari Arison שרי אריסון Shari Arison174319.14%19.97K -
6 3 (Kamal.555 ) (Kamal.555 )3306.59%10.59K -
7 81 Mia Mia38289.85%21.06K -
8 52 Habibi Come To Dubai - HCTD Habibi Come To Dubai - HCTD18233.34%10.2K -
9 2 Your Best Version - Motivation Your Best Version - Motivation41210.29%14.93K -
10 22 Quote|Motivation|Education Quote|Motivation|Education69203.05%11.57K 64%
11 78 E I D  ABU  SBAYEH E I D ABU SBAYEH98191.02%11.83K -
12 84 אדם אליוף אדם אליוף97180.11%91.04K -
14 53 Family guy Family guy119176.88%39.65K -
15 83 Ⓜ  ملاك - Angel Ⓜ ملاك - Angel163171.64%76.78K 0.1%
17 12 Shahar Livne Shahar Livne246154.86%95.38K 0.5%
18 12 Sami Bronowski Sami Bronowski101143.48%31.22K -
19 6 52948084638 529480846383134.18%14.85K -
22 50 Ram Baruch Ram Baruch68121.86%58.17K -
23 47 Art Media Art Media67121.63%11.37K -
24 6 بلادنا جَنّة 🍃 بلادنا جَنّة 🍃277115.8%27.81K -
25 26 VA MO LA VA MO LA212112.42%14.6K 0.7%
26 7 תמר פוליגרף תמר פוליגרף14108.78%13.3K -
27 16 🖤سكسي🖤 🖤سكسي🖤40108.22%202.12K 1%
28 19 Artem Gutkowski Artem Gutkowski1797.88%21.58K -
29 9 58452599765 58452599765594.25%71.19K 1.3%
30 6 Yaffa Segev Yaffa Segev31693.89%12.51K -
31 52 ★laydi.marinette★ ★laydi.marinette★6292.89%53.43K 1.1%
32 30 AdaSwap AdaSwap4192.63%20.14K -
33 2 Haithem Haithem2785.64%24.08K -
35 62 Nebal Mousa Nebal Mousa3279.53%46.42K -
37 38 Lia Lia11967.37%22.7K -
38 23 AfcVideoz AfcVideoz2566.99%23.36K -
40 36 ⚡️Tom Cavanagh Fan Page⚡️ ⚡️Tom Cavanagh Fan Page⚡️71166.56%42.62K -
42 20 Meron Meron4164.04%112.68K -
43 23 Chram🎗 Chram🎗23262.15%29.35K -
44 23 Salam Makeup artist Salam Makeup artist12662.13%14.74K -
46 6 Só as braba🎶 Só as braba🎶1.54K60.3%61.15K 0.9%
47 12 iamkoby iamkoby15659.18%10.74K -
48 2 50439320325 5043932032585558.16%88.36K 0.3%
50 4 Abu Alasal Abu Alasal35155.89%60.29K 2.4%
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