Top 100 Instagram Sorted by Engagement Rate

Top Instagram Updated 2025-02-26
Sorted by Followers Sorted by NoxScore Sorted by Posts Sorted by Engagement Rate
Influencer Ranking
  Channel InfoPostsEngagement RateFollowersNoxScore
1 48 ʚ Mabel ɞ ʚ Mabel ɞ52224.9%16.92K -
2 35 Anime FlipBook Anime FlipBook5780.36%55.88K 0.9%
4 87 Ella Moe 🌨️💙 Ella Moe 🌨️💙71561.12%12.57K -
5 48 Thunyati Thunyati2738.1%10.88K 72.2%
6 12 Jasmine Bhasin ❤️‍🔥 Jasmine Bhasin ❤️‍🔥26331.04%11.6K -
7 50 Htwe Ei Htwe Ei4628.7%15.21K -
8 54 Malsawmsanga Sailo Malsawmsanga Sailo7828.22%27.51K -
9 46 zinzin zinzin1324.96%18.72K -
10 72 Aurora | artist Aurora | artist15324.47%15.67K -
11 8 How2Lift How2Lift29923.24%15.49K -
12 82 Azul Crescent Azul Crescent52717.77%17.72K 1.2%
13 9 Listen Up Myanmar Listen Up Myanmar14216.35%25.4K -
14 14 Honey Nway Oo( Suri ) Honey Nway Oo( Suri )23116.17%90.69K -
15 61 clumxy٭*✮ clumxy٭*✮16515.53%35.58K -
16 42 LETHWEI WORLD LETHWEI WORLD80615.24%95.91K 0.1%
17 16 🇧🇷🇨🇭 🇧🇷🇨🇭4714.07%16.66K -
18 1 j j8613.77%13.52K -
19 15 Nana Komatsu (fan page) Nana Komatsu (fan page)49313.26%20.59K -
20 78 ℒ 20511.36%38.49K -
21 59 kyaw zay ya htun kyaw zay ya htun5710.97%38.57K -
22 7 Snack, cookies & dessert Snack, cookies & dessert14010.26%15.33K -
23 38 What’s happening in Myanmar What’s happening in Myanmar31610.23%16.89K -
24 15 Humans of Myanmar Humans of Myanmar2409.4%13.85K -
25 58 Miss Grand Myanmar Miss Grand Myanmar2599.07%451.56K -
26 61 Kia Thuta Kia Thuta718.98%14.18K -
27 33 Asher Wooy Asher Wooy778.87%17.2K -
28 1 IM BERRY ✍️✌️ IM BERRY ✍️✌️2248.43%309.11K 0.2%
29 68 Sane Sane78.14%73.1K -
30 28 NoNoe NoNoe628.1%24.13K -
31 41 Myo Kay Khaing Myo Kay Khaing1438.09%163.84K -
32 37 Itsme_DD 🐬 Itsme_DD 🐬757.93%37.69K -
33 8 Raymond Idiots Raymond Idiots947.78%18.95K -
34 22 ايهم || AYHAM ايهم || AYHAM447.29%20.26K -
35 24 Miss Universe Myanmar 🇲🇲 Miss Universe Myanmar 🇲🇲1.6K7.14%113.79K 0.3%
36 22 Nay Oo Lin Nay Oo Lin3517.08%39.77K -
37 37 Besrate Gebriel Tube Besrate Gebriel Tube237.03%11.28K -
38 2 6345404255 634540425566.99%10.44K -
39 15 Mouk Mouk366.84%27.64K -
40 59 Wint Thonedri Nwe Wint Thonedri Nwe2776.53%10.57K -
41 6 Miss Universe Myanmar Org Miss Universe Myanmar Org5286.47%53.52K -
42 7 " Nizzel '' " Nizzel ''3626.37%22.96K -
43 3 Kay Khine Htun Kay Khine Htun1646.33%30.32K -
44 52 Cmwy Cmwy3526.3%78.09K 0%
45 34 Ye Wunna Ye Wunna776.23%25.06K -
46 36 Hsunway Hsunway526.15%12.53K -
47 3 Ling Ling605.91%23.25K -
48 3 Eaint Zin Zin Myint Eaint Zin Zin Myint1395.67%25.61K -
49 44 Phoe"Bushido"Thaw Phoe"Bushido"Thaw5325.42%22.14K -
50 14 Hsu Sandar Tint Hsu Sandar Tint945.42%11.1K -
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